【Access VBA】Accessファイル分割




Option Explicit

Sub Access_File_Divide()

'    必要であればここにエラー処理

    Dim myPath As String
    Dim myAccFile As String
  Dim trgTblName As String
    Dim trgStFldName As String    
    Dim myFileName As String
    myPath = "分割元Accessファイル保存フォルダパス"
    myAccFile = "分割元Accessファイル名"    
    trgTblName = "分割テーブル名"
  trgStFldName = "分割基準フィールド名"
    myFileName = myPath & myAccFile
    Dim res As String
    res = MsgBox("Accessファイルを分割しますが、よろしいですか?", vbYesNo)
    If res = vbNo Then Exit Sub
    Dim myCon As New ADODB.Connection
    Dim myCmd As New ADODB.Command
    Dim myRS As New ADODB.Recordset
    Dim SQL As String
    With myCon
        .Open "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source= " & myFileName
        .CursorLocation = 3 
    '↑クライアントサイドカーソルに変更 (レコード数をカウントするため)
    End With
    SQL = "SELECT " & trgStFldName & " FROM " & trgTblName & _
          " GROUP BY " & trgStFldName & ";"
    myRS.Open Source:=SQL, ActiveConnection:=myCon
    Dim processCnt_sum As Integer
    processCnt_sum = myRS.RecordCount  'myCon.CursorLocation=3により有効となる    
    Dim trgStValuesColl As New Collection
    With myRS
        Do Until .EOF
            trgStValuesColl.Add .Fields(trgStFldName).Value
        .Close: Set myRS = Nothing
    End With
    myCon.Close: Set myCon = Nothing
    Dim trgPath As String
    trgPath = "分割後Accessファイル保存フォルダパス"
    Dim trgStValue As Variant
    Dim processCnt As Integer
    For Each trgStValue In trgStValuesColl
        trgStValue = Format(trgStValue, "000")
        Dim trgAcFile As String
        trgAccFile = "分割後Accessファイル名"
        trgAccFile = trgStValue & trgAccFile
        FileCopy myPath & myAccFile, trgPath & trgAccFile
        Dim trgCon As New ADODB.Connection
        Dim trgCmd As New ADODB.Command
        Dim trgRS As New ADODB.Recordset
        Dim trgFileName As String
        trgFileName = trgPath & trgAccFile
        trgCon.Open "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" & trgFileName
        With trgCmd
            .ActiveConnection = trgCon
            .CommandText = "Delete * From " & trgTblName & _
                           " where " & trgStFldName & "<>" & trgStValue & ";"
        End With

        Set trgCmd = Nothing
        trgCon.Close: Set trgCon = Nothing
        Dim Engine As Object
        Set Engine = CreateObject("DAO.DBEngine.120")
        Engine.CompactDatabase trgFileName, trgPath & "(最適後)" & trgAccFile
        Set Engine = Nothing        
        Kill trgFileName  '最適化元ファイルは削除
        Name trgPath & "(最適後)" & trgAccFile As trgFileName   
        processCnt = processCnt + 1
        Application.StatusBar = "【分割状況】 完了「" & processCnt & _
                                "」/「" & processCnt_sum & "」ファイル中 (" & _
                                Format(processCnt / processCnt_sum, "0%") & ")"
    Next trgStValue
    MsgBox "分割処理が終了しました。"

    Shell "C:\Windows\Explorer.exe /n, /e," & trgPath, vbNormalFocus

End Sub

